When it comes to exterior painting, Prime Painters’ painters have years of experience painting nearly every surface imaginable! That includes:
Choosing a color for that you’ll love for your home is one of the toughest parts, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our team would love to consult with you to choose a color you’ll love for years to come!
Caulking is an important part of any exterior painting job. It serves as a watertight sealant that protects against water damage or rotting wood. It also acts as a barrier, protecting your home from unwanted critters like insects from getting into your home. What’s more, it can even save you energy by eliminating drafts that let out heating and air conditioning.
The siding of a home is one of the first things people will notice about it. Is yours water damaged or just looks like it’s seen better days? No worries— we’ve got you covered! We can repair or even install replacement siding.
Give us a call and find out why our services are considered one of the prime house painting options you can choose from in the Lawrenceville Ga and metro Atlanta area.